an online service that allows libraries to request and supply documents
in a reciprocal manner. It is currently used by over 850 Italian
university libraries, research institutes and government agencies.
Researchers, after registering in MyNILDE, can request articles to their
Library and can configure ADS for an automatic compilation of the
request form (see Configuring ADS for NILDE).
Watch the tutorial and learn how to request documents with NILDE in 5 minutes.
IMPORTANT: If you were already registered in MyNILDE (with username and password NILDE) you must only follow the intructions on the migration of your NILDE account to the IDEM-GARR account, as described at point 2 below.
1. To register in NILDE
INAF researchers are invited to request documents from their own Institute library using the NILDE Users’ Form.
The first time a user wants to request a document he/she must register in NILDE, following these steps
Go to the registration page
When asked "Have you an institutional IDEM-GARR user account?" answer YES
Choose INAF in the drop-down menu "Select your Home Organization"
The next window takes you to the CED INAF page where your IDEM-GARR credentials are entered..
If you do not remember your IDEM-GARR credentials read sections 4.1 and 4.2
Enter your IDEM-GARR username and password
IDEM GARR credentials are provided by CED INAF
CED INAF already provides INAF personnel credentials to access the services of IDEM Federation. The username (username or user ID) used for the authentication consists of the sequence of the first and last name in lower case separated by (.) point (eg. mario.rossi).
If you have not activated your IDEM-GARR credentials you must first go to the password reset page, enter your name.surname and CED INAF will send (or re-send) a password, which you can change by going to the "Password Management" menu.
Once you have the password you can access NILDE with the IDEM GARR credentials (see point 4).
Select your library from the list (for example, a researcher of Turin will select "INAF-Osservatorio
Astrofisico di Torino")
Finish completing your personal data: hoose your qualification in the appropriate field and complete the field "Department/Institute" with the initials of your Institute (for example, in the case of the Observatory of Turin, write "INAF OATO")
Select "ENTER" to finalize the registration.
At this point, your library will receive an email with your request for activation and, as soon as they confirm it, you can immediately begin to request documents with NILDE.
2. NILDE account migration
The migration ensures that the data from the old account is not lost, but ends up in the IDEM-GARR account. Follow these steps
Log on to NILDE with IDEM-GARR credentials.
Enter your username and password from the old NILDE account
Click on "migrazione account"
N.B.: If you do not remember the old NILDE password you can click on the link "non ricordo i miei dati di accesso" found on NILDE’s homepage, enter either your username or your email address and the system will send a new password to the indicated address
The account recovery process is only performed the first time. At the next login the user will only use the IDEM-GARR credentials (username and password).